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title: Active Directory Integration
description: Overview of the Active Directory settings management
context_id: ad-integration
- Active Directory Integration
- management
- active-directory
- ou
- microsoft

Active Directory Integration

FOG has the ability to register a host with Active Directory, in a
limited sense.


In order for Active Directory integration to function, you need the

  • The image will need to have the FOG service installed.
  • Before capturing your image, the computer is NOT a member of any
  • In order to add a computer to a domain, FOG requires a username and
    password of an account that has rights to the OU where the computer
    objects are stored in the domain tree. This user account should have
    rights to join computers to the Domain, as well as sufficient rights
    to create/manage computer objects.


FOG attempts to keep your password secure by encrypting it, but since
FOG is open source, it is possible for someone to decrypt your password
if you don't change the FOG "Passkey." It is highly recommended that
you change this Passkey before implementing the AD integration in a
production environment. Changing the Passkey requires you to recompile
the FOG Service's Hostname change module, but don't panic this isn't
hard and only need to be done one time. Please see the documentation below.

Set up

To set up a host to use AD, do the following:

  • Navigate to the hosts section of the FOG management portal and
    select the host you want to join AD
  • In the top menu, select 'Active Directory' section.

You get the following options:

  • Join Domain after deploy

    When this checkbox is set, FOG will apply the Active Directory
    global default to populate the fields of this section.

  • Domain name

    The fully qualified domain name. Examples are:

    • company
    • company.local
  • Organizational Unit

    The Organizational Unit, in LDAP format, where the computer object
    shall be created. Examples are:

    • OU=PCs,DC=company,DC=com
    • OU=Lab Computers,OU=PCs,DC=company,DC=com

    If you leave this fiels blank, the computer object will be created
    in the default OU for new PC's, normally 'Computers'.

  • Domain Username

    The user name that will create the computer object. This user needs
    to have sufficient credentials to create the computer object in the
    OU. Usually this will be an account that is member of the 'Domain
    Administrators' group.

    Only enter the username in this field, for example:
    FOGServiceAccount. Do not add the domain name.

  • Domain Password

    The password of the user name above. The password should be typed
    plain-text, and will auto-encrypt on it's own when saved.

  • Name Change/AD Join Forced Reboot?

    Setting this check box will configure the client to enforce the
    hostname / AD setting regardless of if a user is logged in.

    So if enabled, the client will restart the computer to update the
    hostname even when a user is logged in. If unchecked, the client
    will wait until no one is using the computer before restarting to
    apply the hostname / AD.

  • Update

    After changing fields of this section, click on 'Update'.

    The 'Hostname Changer', a module of the FOG client, checks with
    each poll if the client machine is part of Active Directory as
    configured. If not, it will do either of the following tasks:

    • If users are logged in and the 'Name Change/AD Join Forced
      Reboot' box is selected, then the client will join the domain
      and reboot immediately
    • If no users are logged, then the client will join the domain and

Last update: 2023-07-24