In here you’ll find some practical api examples. But first lets explain how to get autheticated


To be able to use the API via external calls it needs to be enabled in the FOG web UI (FOG Configuration -> FOG Settings -> API System) first.



#. API global token is a header required with the name fog-api-token You can find yours via FOG-Configuration->FOG Settings->API System #. API user token is a header that can be used (highly recommended) being passed as a header in the form fog-user-token You can find yours via Users->List All Users->Your Username->API Settings

HTTP Basic Auth

You can use HTTP Basic Authorization (with curl -u <user>:<password> or header with name Authorization: Basic <base64encoded username:password>. Although I have allowed the ability for this type of authentication, and it will work, I would still recommend using user token system as it cannot be received and decoded to a valid username/password pair to manage your fog server.


While many different tools can be used to make API calls curl is just one of the very basic ones if you are on Linux and want to give it a try:

curl -H 'fog-api-token: yourapitoken' -H 'fog-user-token: yourusertoken' -X GET http://fogserver/fog/system/info

Routes and Methods

To keep the iformation in the documentation as universial as possible, we will only show the url for the api calls GET — Here are some core GET calls: #. /fog/system/info Simple check to see if the API is enabled and working. Returns 200 if accessible. #. /fog/task/active Returns a list of pending and active tasks #. /fog/multicastsession/current Returns a list of active multicast sessions #. /fog/host Returns a list of all the registerd hosts #. fog/host/search/* Returns images or hosts that match the search term (replace wildcard with search term)


Creating a image:

You can use the following api call for creating a image: /fog/image/create You need to pass the following parameters: #. name - The name of the image #. path - The path to the image #. imageTypeID - The way image is stored

List of all the image types:
  1. Single Disk - Resizable

  2. Multipul Partition Image - Single Disk (Not Resizable)

  3. Multipul Partition Image - All Disks (Not Resizable)

  4. Raw Image (Sector By Sector, DD Slow)

Creating a Capture task:

Put the ID of the host in the url of the api call /fog/host/id/task

Task types:
  1. Deploy

  2. Capture

  3. Debug

  4. Memtest

  5. Test Disk

  6. Disk Surface Test

  7. Recover

  8. Hardware inventory

  9. Password Reset

  10. All Snapins

  11. Single Snapins

  12. Wake-up

  13. Deploy - Debug

  14. Capture - Debug

  15. Deploy - No Snapin

  16. Fast Wipe

  17. Normal Wipe

  18. Full Wipe

  19. Virus Scan

  20. Virus Scan - Quarantine

Example body for deploying a image:

{"taskType": "1"}

NOTE: You need to assign the image to the host before you can deploy it. You can assing the host with a PUT request

If the api call is correct you’ll get the following response: ""`


Edit a host: /fog/host/id/edit Example body: {"imageID": "1"}